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Carol Matthews

Ms Carol Matthews

Group Chief Executive

OLDHAM, United Kingdom
Commercial InterestsAsset management/Property services, Care and support, Compliance/Fire Safety, Customer Services, Development/Land/Planning/Regeneration, Energy/Sustainability, Finance, Homelessness, Housing Management/Tenant Services, Strategy/Business Transformation


Carol Matthews has been Group Chief Executive of The Riverside Group since 2012. The Riverside Group is national with homes in 165 local authorities and a Scottish subsidiary called Irvine.  In August 2018 Impact Housing based in Cumbria joined the Group.  Riverside have a strong track record in regeneration, neighbourhood management and Care and Support.  

Carol has been in housing and customer service since 1984 starting as a housing officer with door to door rent collection as part of the role. Ten years of experience was with three local authorities: Sheffield, Burnley and Bristol before joining Northern Counties which became part of the Guinness Partnership in 2007. 

Having recently served 2 years as Chair, Carol is a founding member of H4N – ‘Homes for the North’ – a group of seventeen HAs with northern stock who want to campaign and influence development and regeneration in the north.