A2Dominion has appointed Andrew Knox to the newly created role of finance transformation director to support the G15 landlord in its efforts to improve its existing homes.
Mr Knox is an ACA qualified finance director who has specialist knowledge of financial transformation projects across a range of organisations and sectors. This includes working at BT and The Guinness Partnership.
He has joined A2Dominion on a 24-month fixed-term contract.
A2Dominion said the position has been created to support the “vast improvements” the 38,000-home association is making to provide “homes people love to live in”.
The landlord said that, as part of the corporate strategy, Mr Knox will focus on a variety of projects aimed at modernising and optimising financial processes and systems across A2Dominion, which will be “fundamental in ensuring financial operations are as efficient and effective as possible”.
This comes months after A2Dominion was given a non-compliant G3 grade by the Regulator of Social Housing in January. At the time, the regulator said it had found “significant issues” with the provider’s data, business-planning, and risk and control framework.
Tracey Barnes, chief finance officer at A2Dominion, said: “Andrew’s experience of leading and driving finance transformation across different businesses and sectors, including BT and The Guinness Partnership, is tremendous.
“He is passionate about bringing business partnering to life, adding value for customers and making a difference at A2Dominion.”
Mr Knox said: “I’m excited to be working with A2Dominion to help improve how we serve our customers. I’m looking forward to learning about how things are done, with a view to making a real step change in quality, service and value for money.”
In May, A2Dominion hired Karbon Homes’ chief executive Paul Fiddaman and Eastlight Community Homes boss Emma Palmer as board members.
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