G15 landlord A2Dominion has hired Sovereign Network Group’s Graham Gregg as interim director of financial services.
Mr Gregg has spent the past eight years working as director of accounting services at Sovereign Network Group (SNG) and its predecessor organisation, Network Homes, which merged with Sovereign to form SNG in October last year.
He has over 20 years of experience in the housing sector, including a variety of finance leadership roles at Southern Housing, which merged with Optivo in December 2022.
At 38,000-home A2Dominion, Mr Gregg will take on responsibility for statutory financial reporting as well as operational finance.
Mr Gregg said: “I’m looking forward to meeting and working with my new team, as well as the new stakeholders outside of the finance department in another G15 housing association.
“I’m excited to understand current practices within the finance function and make positive improvements to processes to contribute towards the values and goals of A2Dominion.”
Tracey Barnes, chief finance officer at A2Dominion, said: “Graham has vast experience of working in the housing sector and brings specialist knowledge of improving financial performance.
“We look forward to working with Graham to help shape the finance function and deliver better results for our customers.”
A2Dominion has made multiple hires since the landlord was given a non-compliant G3 grade by the Regulator of Social Housing in January.
At the time, the regulator said it had found “significant issues” with the landlord’s data, business planning, and risk and control framework.
In August, the landlord appointed Andrew Knox to the newly created role of finance transformation director, and in September hired Hilary Milne as an interim governance and compliance director.
Ms Barnes took up the role of chief financial officer in December last year.