The chief executive of a Hertfordshire-based housing association is to step down after nearly 16 years at the helm.
Elspeth Mackenzie has announced that she will leave Thrive Homes at the end of 2024.
She has led the 6,000-home group since she joined in early 2009 from Griffin Homes, which is part of Origin Housing Group.
A press statement from Thrive said that Ms Mackenzie is “retiring from her role” but did not indicate what her future plans are.
She said: “I am very proud of what we have achieved in the time I have been chief executive. It has been a pleasure to work with such a talented group of people and I am confident that the organisation is in safe and capable hands.”
A recruitment process to replace her has started, the landlord said.
Thrive Homes was formed in 2008 through the acquisition of housing stock from Three Rivers District Council.
In its last reported full year to the end of March 2023, the group reported an increase in post-tax surplus to £8.4m off a turnover of £48.3m.
Thrive currently has a G1/V2 rating with the regulator after being among a wave of landlords downgraded in late 2022 due to the wider economic conditions.
The group also struck lease deals with CBRE in 2022, which at the time it said was a sector first.
Thrive operates homes throughout Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire.
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