The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has elected an executive at a West Midlands council-owned housing company as its next vice-president.
Julie Haydon, who is corporate services director at ALMO Wolverhampton Homes, received around 51 per cent of the votes cast by CIH members.
Ms Haydon will take up the role this October and under CIH protocols it is expected that she will step up to become the body’s president a year after that.
Elly Hoult, chief operating officer at G15 landlord Peabody, is currently the CIH’s vice-president and is due to take over from current president Jill Murray in October.
Ms Haydon, who has a background in human resources, is also a performance coaching specialist and runs her own consultancy, according to her LinkedIn profile.
Her role with Wolverhampton Homes, where she has worked for nearly five years, appears to be her first full-time job in the housing sector.
Wolverhampton Homes manages around 21,000 homes on behalf of its owner, City of Wolverhampton Council.
In a post on LinkedIn ahead of her election, Ms Haydon said: “I want to act as a unifying force between housing associations, local authorities, ALMOs and managing agents creating synergies that amplify our collective impact. A role that is of the upmost importance for the CIH.”
Gavin Smart, chief executive of the CIH, said: “I am sure that [Ms Haydon] will bring huge energy and passion, and together, her and Elly Holt will make an excellent presidential team.”
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