Clarion Housing Group has used a £450,000 grant from the government’s Estates Regeneration Fund to help deliver a £22m plan to transform a Plymouth estate.
The 125,000-home group said the grant from the 2016/2017 Estates Regeneration Fund, which was match-funded by Clarion, has been “instrumental” in developing the plans to date.
The £22m scheme will be underwritten by Clarion, which is also seeking investment from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) and Plymouth City Council.
The regeneration plan targets the Barne Barton estate – once the largest naval estate in Britain, which was originally built for the Ministry of Defence back in the 1960s.
Clarion is the predominant landlord, with 228 two-bedroom flats for affordable rent there as well as a number of houses.
The masterplan, which is being created by Exeter-based Clifton Emery Design, proposes to completely change the existing layout of the estate. The detailed design work will be undertaken by RH Partnership Architects.
Bob Beaumont, director of regeneration at the housing group, said: “We recognised that significant investment was required to combat the challenges at Barne Barton, which is known locally as the ‘forgotten island’ – and even then there were no guarantees that this would secure the long-term future of the estate.
“However, enhanced investment and regeneration in the area over the last 18 months has provided a real turning point, and we firmly believe that with the support of the HCA and Plymouth City Council, Clarion will be able to secure the estate’s future and ensure that Barne Barton is forgotten no more.”