A round-up of the main development deals involving housing providers, local authorities and the private sector
Homes England has signed a collaboration agreement with developers Keepmoat Homes and Capital & Centric to build 3,000 new homes and a mixed-use town centre in Northstowe, near Cambridge.
Half of the new homes will be affordable, and the new town centre will provide up to 50,000 sq m of commercial floorspace, including shops, work spaces and community facilities.
Tenants have started to move into the first homes from Wheatley Group’s £80m new-build project that will deliver a total of 425 new homes in Edinburgh.
Cruden Group will deliver 300 new homes for the Scottish housing association, including 168 for social rent and 132 for mid-market rent.
CCG Construction is building 125 homes, comprising 70 for social rent for Wheatley Homes East and 55 for mid-market rental for Lowther. Both landlords are part of Wheatley Group.
The first of the mid-market rental properties have been handed over to tenants of Lowther at West Craigs.
Wates Group has partnered with Guildford Borough Council to deliver up to 248 homes with a commitment to 40 per cent affordable housing.
The £86m project in Guildford will transform a car park into a neighbourhood, with the initial proposals including 98 new affordable rent and shared ownership homes. The scheme will deliver a mix of one, two, and three-bedroom homes, with some townhouses.
The council is committing up to £39.7m from the Housing Revenue Account to buy the affordable housing.
Golding Homes’ regeneration project at Cambridge Crescent in Shepway will replace 114 existing homes with 236 new, energy-efficient affordable homes over three phases.
A new shopping area, improved landscaping and community facilities will also be built.
Golding is ready to start work on the first phase of the regeneration to deliver 119 of the new homes, made up of 91 one and two-bedroom flats, 28 two and three-bedroom houses and four commercial units.
Tenants have moved into 100 newly completed one, two and three-bedroom council homes in Greenwich Peninsula, where a further 99 council homes are under construction, due for completion in 2026.
The Royal Borough of Greenwich acquired the properties at Greenwich Millennium Village with its own funds and a grant from the Greater London Authority.
Rother District Council has given the green light to its housing company to progress the delivery of 200 homes at its Blackfriars development in Battle, East Sussex.
Rother DC Housing Company will deliver 130 affordable rent homes and properties for shared ownership, alongside 70 homes for the open market. The Blackfriars development is scheduled for completion by summer 2027.
Clarion will deliver 126 new homes as part of its redevelopment of the vacant Regent House office in Dorking.
All of the homes will be for affordable rent and the project will include around 500 sq m of commercial space and the planting of 28 new trees.
West Kent Housing Association and Penenden Heath Developments
West Kent Housing Association is starting work on a development at Castor Park in Allington, Maidstone, which is set to provide 106 new homes over the next three years.
The Kent-based landlord was granted approval of reserved matters in a planning application. The homes will be developed with its delivery partner, Penenden Heath Developments, and will be focussed on providing affordable local housing.
The Hill Group has started work on an Ealing Council project that will provide 92 new affordable homes on the grounds of the old Northolt Grange Community Centre in Northolt.
The majority (84) of the homes will be let at London Affordable Rent and the remaining eight properties will be for shared ownership. Ealing Council will manage all of the properties.
The development will include a variety of homes, including a pair of five-storey apartment blocks of one to three-bedroom apartments, and four-bedroom houses.
Flagship Homes and Lovell are putting the finishing touches on the first of 60 homes at a housing development on Attleborough Road in Great Ellingham, Norfolk.
Half of the homes will be for affordable rent, which will be let by Flagship’s housing association, Samphire, and the other half will be for shared ownership.
The homes, which are being built using modern methods of construction, are due to be finished by spring next year.
A2Dominion has completed 16 zero-carbon homes, a community hall and café to complete its Elmsbrook development, the initial phase of a planned new eco town, North West Bicester in Oxfordshire. The site now has 413 homes, while the eco town will eventually deliver 6,000 homes.
The completed homes consist of eight one-bedroom and eight two-bedroom social rent apartments.
The homes have large solar panels across the whole roof and are connected to the district heat network to achieve net-zero carbon and reduce energy usage.
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