A round-up of the main development deals involving housing providers, local authorities and the private sector
Vistry will deliver 608 homes across phases four and five of Eastern Green in Coventry, with half of these set to be affordable homes managed by housing association Citizen Housing.
Of the 608 homes, 304 will be sold on the open market by Vistry’s housing brands and 304 will be affordable homes for Citizen. Of these affordable homes, 152 will be delivered through a Section 106 agreement for the landlord and 152 via a joint venture with the housing association.
Eastern Green has outline planning permission in place for 2,400 homes and other community services. Vistry and Citizen are already developing phase one, which is delivering 247 homes.
For-profit registered provider Legal & General Affordable Homes has acquired 487 homes from Birmingham City Council for an undisclosed sum.
The homes are part of two plots from the Perry Barr Residential Scheme, a regeneration plan in north Birmingham that will deliver more than 5,000 new homes in total.
Of the 487 homes, 187 will be for affordable rent, 159 for shared ownership, and 139 for social rent, with the two remaining homes to be made available later.
Another developed plot comprising 213 homes from the scheme is being retained by Birmingham City Council. These will be used for council housing, and will bring the total number of affordable homes delivered in the first phase of the scheme to 700.
The Hill Group has secured planning permission for the third and final phase of Marleigh, its neighbourhood in Cambridge, to deliver 423 new homes.
This will bring the total number of homes at the development to 1,391.
Phase three is split over two applications. The first will deliver 332 homes, with 110 (30 per cent) affordable homes, while the second phase will deliver 91 homes, comprising 36 affordable homes (40 per cent).
The affordable homes have not yet been allocated to a housing provider.
Housing association Gentoo Group has submitted proposals to build 294 affordable homes on brownfield land between Chester Road and Presthope Road in Pennywell, Sunderland.
The homes will be made available for rent and shared ownership and will be built with energy-efficient features such as air source heat pumps.
A joint venture between Notting Hill Developments, the development arm of landlord Notting Hill Genesis (NHG), and Countryside (part of Vistry Group) has forward-sold 285 new affordable homes in east London to NHG.
The homes form the final phase of Fresh Wharf, a 911-home mixed-use regeneration scheme that has been delivered by the joint venture partners. It is located along the River Roding, near Barking town centre.
The 285 homes will be for social rent and exceed the number required under the scheme’s consented Section 106 requirements. The entire development is projected to complete in 2027.
Residents of Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing’s (MTVH) Heston Grange Estate in Hounslow have voted overwhelmingly in favour the landlord’s plans to regenerate the estate.
Following an 80 per cent turnout, almost 72 per cent of residents said ‘yes’ in favour of the proposals. These include plans to demolish the old estate of 123 affordable homes and rebuild in two phases delivering around 260 new affordable homes.
MTVH’s redevelopment proposal includes a mixture of one, two, three and four-bed homes, all of which are affordable.
Vistry Group has been granted planning permission to build 140 homes on Leicester Road, Earl Shilton, Leicestershire.
Out of these, 83 will be affordable homes owned and managed by Places for People.
The £31m new development will consist of one, two, three and four-bedroom mixed-tenure houses and maisonettes, which will all be built using modern methods of construction. Work is expected to start in spring.
Places for People has acquired an affordable housing development site in Langley Mill, Derbyshire, East Midlands that will deliver 109 homes.
These will include 43 homes for shared ownership and 66 for affordable rent. Phased construction is scheduled to start in April and the sales launch is planned for early 2026.
Places for People is working in partnership with Derby-based developer Wheeldon Brothers on the scheme.
The landlord will also use the development to provide on-the-job training under its new training programme for apprenticeships in the housing sector, called PfP Thrive.
Bromford has purchased an 11-acre site of land on the outskirts of Gloucester in Highnam, which has outline planning permission for 95 new homes.
In plans it will submit to Tewkesbury Borough Council early this year, the housing association will propose to make 47 homes available at affordable rent and 48 for shared ownership.
The site will be developed by Bromford’s in-house construction team, which aims to start work in early 2026.
Stonewater and Edenstone Homes have entered a contract to build 90 affordable homes in Herefordshire.
The new homes at the Madley Road site, in Clehonger, will be offered across a variety of affordable tenures and will achieve an Energy Performance Certificate of Band B or higher.
Stonewater said there will be phased handovers and it anticipates that some of the homes will be handed over within the next few months. The development is expected to be completed by February 2026.
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