For-profit provider Sage Housing, which is backed by US private equity giant Blackstone, has appointed another interim chief executive and is on the hunt for a new permanent boss.
Rod Cahill, the former chief executive of Catalyst, will step down after 16 months as stand-in chief at Sage in “early autumn”, the group said today.
Mr Cahill, who replaced Joe Cook at Sage last year, said he had been intending to stay for only six months but added that “now was the right time to hand the reins to someone else as the organisation moves into a new phase”.
Sage hopes to have a permanent replacement within six months, a spokesperson told Social Housing.
Sage’s immediate parent, Sage Investments Sàrl, is a joint venture company between property investment firm Regis and Blackstone registered in Luxembourg.
Mr Cahill’s interim replacement, Mark Sater, is currently a strategic advisor to Regis, according to his LinkedIn profile. His experience also includes a spell as chief executive of a contract manufacturing partner to major medical device companies and managing director of Caterpillar fashion brand producer Overland.
He said: “Sage is a fantastic company and I am delighted to be taking on this interim role.”
Blackstone caused shockwaves when it was revealed in early 2018 that it was entering the UK’s social housing sector through its funding of for-profit Sage.
Its entry proved controversial, with the National Housing Federation taking legal action against Sage to prevent the group from calling itself a housing association. Sage agreed to drop the term from its name.
Sage buys affordable housing through Section 106 agreements, mainly from the country’s top six house builders. The group agreed £140m of deals in June 2020 alone.
It currently has around 2,700 homes under management across 70 council areas.
Of these, 63 per cent are rented, with the rest for shared ownership. Social rents account for 10 per cent of the rented stock. The group is on track to deliver 2,500 new homes by year-end and currently has a pipeline of 14,000 homes.
Sage has previously said it is targeting 20,000 homes by 2022 as part of a five-year plan.