Greater Manchester-based non-compliant landlord ForHousing has made Mike Parkin chief executive on a permanent basis after hiring him as interim CEO in September.
Before spending the past seven months as interim chief executive, Mr Parkin was chief operating officer at the 23,530-home housing association. He formally became permanent chief executive on 1 April 2023.
This comes after Colette McKune announced her retirement in August after three years in charge.
Mr Parkin, who is a chartered accountant, has spent nine years in housing and 20 years operating at an executive and board level.
Prior to joining ForHousing, he was director of finance and resources at North Wales Police and before this was director of finance at supported housing provider Novas Group.
ForHousing is currently non-compliant with the Regulator of Social Housing’s Governance and Financial Viability Standard. The provider was downgraded to G3 in January over issues including what the RSH found to be a “lack of independence in its decision-making”, while retaining its V1 rating.
Mr Parkin said he remains committed to continuing to “make positive changes following a challenging period”.
He said: “I am delighted and feel honoured to have the opportunity to lead ForHousing, working with fantastic colleagues, partners and tenants. My focus is firmly on continuing to make improvements to increase tenant satisfaction.
“The ForHousing executive management team and I remain committed to working in partnership to continue to make positive changes following a challenging period. We are looking ahead with a revitalised focus to deliver safe homes and excellent, equitable services for tenants, as well as a great place to work for colleagues.”
Paul Kennedy, chair of ForHousing, said: “I am very pleased to announce – following a rigorous process with a number of high-calibre candidates – that Mike Parkin has been successful in securing the permanent role of chief executive officer at ForHousing.
“Mike has a wealth of experience along with excellent strategic and leadership skills. He brings clarity, structure, stability and a strong customer-focused mindset to the organisation.
“The board has full confidence he is the right person to steer us through current and future challenges. Mike will lead the organisation forward to positively impact the lives of our social housing tenants.”
According to its financial results, ForHousing delivered a surplus of £20.3m in 2021-22, a rise from £18.7m the previous year.
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