Eastleigh Borough Council has appointed Galliford Try Partnerships as project manager for its 1,400-home Horton Heath development.
The house builder will become master developer on behalf of the council under a four-year services agreement. The company will provide planning services to bring the site forward and act as project manager to develop associated infrastructure for the scheme.
The council recently acquired the land, which already has outline planning permission for the 1,400 new homes. The council will take a direct role in delivering the homes, giving it control of the tenure mix and price of the homes, as well as the speed at which they are built.
Keith House, leader of Eastleigh Borough Council, said: “There is significant added value by the council being actively involved as it guarantees infrastructure is delivered early, ensures a high-quality development and means the mix of tenures really does meet the needs of local people such as affordable housing, market rent and family homes.”
Stephen Teagle, chief executive of Galliford Try Partnerships, added: “We are very pleased to have developed this partnership with Eastleigh Borough Council and we look forward to using our regeneration expertise to support the council in delivering their aspirations for the site.
As a business, we always look to establish strong relationships that support our partners to meet their objectives, and this innovative delivery model is an excellent example of a long-term commitment to a local authority partner, prioritising homes for local people.”