Hyde has appointed an interim chief executive to replace Peter Denton, who is being released from his contract early to join Homes England.
Neal Ackcral, currently the G15 landlord’s chief property officer, will step up to the role on 1 July.
The search for a permanent chief executive will start immediately, Hyde said, and it expects to be make an appointment “in the autumn”.
It comes after the surprise news last week that Mr Denton was quitting the 50,000-home group after less than two years as chief executive to take the reins at Homes England.
Mr Denton, who initially joined Hyde in 2017 as finance director, is being released from his contract on 30 June as the group’s board has “recognised the importance of his new role for the sector”, it said.
However Mr Denton’s start date at Homes England has not been confirmed yet, a spokesperson told Social Housing.
He will be a permanent replacement for Nick Walkley, who left his job as Homes England chief executive in February this year.
News of Mr Walkley’s departure came three months after Argent co-founder Peter Freeman was installed as the agency’s new chair.
In March it was announced that Mr Freeman would carry out a review of the organisation to help the government with its aim to build 300,000 homes a year.
Mr Ackcral has spent just over two years at Hyde after joining from a short spell at One Housing. Prior to that he spent a year and a half at Optivo and before that nearly seven years at Viridian in various roles.
On his appointment, he said: “We have a lot to do and it is important that we carry on delivering more homes, safer homes and energy-efficient homes as well as improving our services and helping our customers.”
Alan Collett, chair of Hyde’s board, said that Mr Ackcral’s skills and experience would stand it in “good stead over the coming months”.