Imran Mubeen has left Bromford after seven-and-a-half years as its director of treasury to join financial advisory firm Newbridge Advisors.
Bromford has replaced Mr Mubeen with Matthew Rose, who has joined from virtual mobile outlook operator Lyca Mobile Group, where he was global director of tax.
The move comes two months after the 47,000-home landlord announced plans in June to merge with Flagship Group to create an 80,000-home housing association.
Mr Mubeen joined Bromford in March 2017. As well as being a part of merger discussions, he oversaw numerous finance deals during his time at the housing association.
These include creating the first green loan in the sector with NatWest in 2019, and this year securing a £200m sustainability-linked loan (SLL) from NatWest and £75m in funding through Bromford’s first SLL to be linked to reducing repairs.
Mr Mubeen has now joined Newbridge as a director, expanding its housing team to five directors.
Most recently before Mr Mubeen’s appointment, Gows Shugumaran joined from Chatham Financial as a director to help expand Newbridge’s treasury advisory practice.
The firm has helped several housing associations raise finance in the sector, including Bromford, and recently worked on supporting the merger between The Guinness Partnership and Shepherds Bush Housing Group.
In a post on LinkedIn, Mr Mubeen said: “I am excited to be joining Grant Vaughan, Christopher Evans, Gows Shugumaran and Lee Gibson to expand the advisory practice at Newbridge Advisors LLP, working with housing clients on new challenges and opportunities at a critical time for our sector.
“Having access to a safe, secure, affordable, energy-efficient home is a fundamental birthright, and I look forward to playing a small part in making it a reality for more people across the country.”
Mr Mubeen thanked colleagues in his treasury team at Bromford for “exacting support and unrelenting commitment in breaking new ground to deliver over £2bn of new funding, with over half a billion now sustainability linked”.
“A huge thank you to everyone at Bromford for a wonderful seven years,” he said in the post. “It has been a privilege to lead the treasury team.”
Mr Rose, Mr Mubeen’s replacement at Bromford, is new to the social housing sector.
He brings experience from tax roles at Lyca Mobile Group, the Royal Mail, Taylor Wimpey, BT and Seadrill Management, which provides services to four listed groups in the drilling sector, supporting oil and gas exploration.
“I’m delighted to share that I’ve recently started a new position as director of treasury at Bromford,” Mr Rose said in a LinkedIn post.
“I am excited to lead the treasury team and financing activities at this important phase for both Bromford and for the housing sector as a whole.
“I look forward to meeting more of the key stakeholders and supporting the executive team and board of Bromford Housing Group.”