A merger between Manchester-based Great Places and Mosscare St Vincent’s (MSV) has been delayed by three months, and the executive lined up to be the new group’s finance director is leaving.
The landlords announced last October plans for the tie-up, which will see the creation of a 34,000-home group. At the time, the associations said they were aiming for the new organisation to be formed on 1 July 2023.
However, according to MSV’s website, the new group will be formed on 1 October.
When contacted by Social Housing, a Great Places spokesperson said: “Everything is progressing well with the plans to bring the two businesses together; the due diligence process just took slightly longer than we originally expected and that’s why the timescales have been pushed back slightly.
“The July deadline was never set in stone – it was set by us as something to aim for. Due diligence has now been concluded and we are now working towards the new deadline of the start of October.”
In a separate update to the markets today, Great Places said the merger will complete on 30 September. “The boards of both organisations have now approved the final business case and we are on track with the required consents,” the filing said.
The designate executive team for the new organisation has also been confirmed. As previously announced, Matthew Harrison, chief executive of Great Places, will step down after nine years in the role and Charlie Norman, chief executive of MSV, will take the top job at the newly formed group.
However Helen Rourke, who was originally due to be the new group’s executive director of finance, is leaving to take a role in the education sector.
Phil Elvy, executive director of finance at Great Places, was initially announced as chief financial officer designate for the new group.
However it was revealed in March that he was quitting Great Places after 17 years with the organisation.
As a result, Great Places said today that it will be recruiting externally for a new chief financial officer for the new group “imminently”. Mr Elvy has also agreed to defer his departure until an appointment has been made and a handover has taken place.
Francesco Elia, a former executive at Clarion pre-cursor Circle Housing and specialist interim CFO, is also joining MSV to provide interim support.
Last December, Great Places and MSV were both downgraded to V2 for financial viability amid a widespread wave of action by the regulator to reflect macroeconomic conditions.
If completed, the merger would mean MSV will join Great Places through a transfer of engagements.
Great Places is the larger of the two organisations, with 24,000 homes across the North West and Yorkshire, and the newly formed group would retain its name.
MSV operates homes across Greater Manchester, Lancashire and West Yorkshire.
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