Former Hyde chief executive Elaine Bailey has joined the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) board to help it establish the government’s new Building Safety Regulator.
Ms Bailey, who left the G15 landlord in 2019, has taken on the non-executive interim role for 12 months, the government announced last week.
The HSE has been charged with setting up a Building Safety Regulator following Dame Judith Hackitt’s post-Grenfell report. The HSE’s Peter Baker, who was announced last month as England’s first chief inspector of buildings, will lead the regulator.
Ms Bailey, who while at Hyde was appointed to a steering group to drive the government’s Building Safety Programme, said: “It is vitally important that people are safe in their homes, feel safe in their homes and this is what we want to achieve at HSE.”
She will be paid £15,100 for 30 days a year.
A permanent appointment for the role is being sought, the Department for Work and Pensions said.
In an interview with Social Housing in 2019, Ms Bailey revealed details of the action Hyde had been taking to fix some of its blocks in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire.
Sarah Newton, chair of the HSE, said: “Elaine is a staunch advocate of ensuring homes are safe and secure and her years of relevant experience and understanding of the housing sector will be a welcome and timely addition to the board.”
Since leaving Hyde, Ms Bailey has taken three non-executive roles in the housing sector, according to the HSE’s website. A year ago she joined the board at Residential Secure Income (ReSI), a real estate investment trust.
Prior to Hyde, she spent 10 years at outsourcing firm Serco. She also worked for the prison service earlier in her career.
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