Kent-based housing association Moat Homes has appointed the current boss of Settle as its new chief executive.
Gavin Cansfield, who has led Hertfordshire-based Settle for nine years, will take the reins at 22,000-home Moat later this year.
It comes after Moat announced the sudden departure of Mary Gibbons as its chief executive in February. Ms Gibbons, who was previously boss of Essex-based landlord CHP and spent nearly a decade at Swan Housing Group, headed up Moat for just under two years. No reason was given for her exit.
A filing at the time said she was “no longer Moat chief executive with immediate effect”. However Steve White, chair of Moat, thanked Ms Gibbons for her “contributions”.
Since March, Moat has been run on an interim basis by Steve Nunn, the group’s executive director of growth.
Mr Cansfield will join Moat with around 30 years’ experience in the housing sector.
Prior to Settle, he spent six-and-a-half years as chief executive of Tower Hamlets Homes, the ALMO of Tower Hamlets Council, which closed this year.
He has also worked for Hanover Housing Association, which is now Anchor, and Southern Housing.
On his appointment, he said: “It’s a great honour to lead the Moat team. I look forward to building on everything that’s already been achieved as we work together to deliver an ambitious, customer-focused strategy.”
Mr White added: “[Mr Cansfield] proved to be a stand-out candidate who shares our vision and dedication to achieving excellence in all we do. We look forward to working with him to provide great homes, services and communities for our customers.”
In its last reported full year to the end of March 2023, Moat reported a slightly reduced post-tax surplus of £45.9m. Turnover fell 12 per cent year-on-year to £159.8m.
The landlord currently has the top grades of G1/V1 with the Regulator of Social Housing, following a stability check last December.
Settle said details on its next steps to find a new chief executive are “being finalised and will be shared in future updates”.
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