Affordable housing funding aggregator MORhomes has hired a new chief financial officer and relationship director.
Andrew Morton joined the listed funding company – which was launched in 2018 and is owned by housing association shareholders – last week as deputy chief executive and chief financial officer, while Joseph Carr has been recruited as its relationship director.
Mr Morton is a chartered accountant with more than a decade’s experience at Barclays, having worked across its SME and small business channels. He was latterly chief executive at advisory business ADML Global.
Mr Carr is a former policy leader at the National Housing Federation and had been a director at consultancy Altair since 2018.
He joins MORhomes on 20 April 2020.
A statement from the funding company, which has more than 60 housing association sponsors, said that the new appointments “will give MORhomes a greater depth and strength of management to make sure it fulfils its mission of facilitating access to the capital markets for housing associations”.