G15 landlords Peabody and Catalyst have completed their merger to create a 104,000-home landlord, after nearly nine months of negotiations.
Catalyst and its subsidiaries have joined together with the Peabody group, taking the number of customers for the combined organisation up to around 220,000 in London and the home counties.
In the initial term, Catalyst has joined Peabody as a subsidiary, with the intention to move to “full integration” by April 2023, the group said in an update to the markets this morning (1 April).
Lord Kerslake is chair of the new organisation and Ravi Rajagopal is vice-chair.
Ian McDermott is chief executive, while Sarah Thomas has taken up the role of chief operating officer.
Plans for the merger were announced in July last year, with the partners describing an opportunity for a “better, locally focused organisation”.
In an interview with Social Housing in February, Mr McDermott and Ms Thomas said that the newly formed organisation would be adopting a ‘localities’ plan after finding success with it at Catalyst, and that this plan was what attracted Peabody to the idea of a merger.
The group said it is already putting in place a new regional structure and locality model.
There will be six managing directors responsible for individual geographical locations, and each will have overall responsibility for the delivery of services in that area.
“They will have the knowledge and resources to tailor services and projects to meet local need, mobilising teams of neighbourhood customer specialists working closely with residents,” a Peabody media statement said today.
Mr McDermott was the chief executive of Catalyst until he moved across to Peabody.
On the news of the completed merger, Mr McDermott said: “Our customers will be front and centre of our new organisation. Our increased scale will allow us to invest more in services, homes, technology and our people.
“We want to transform our services for the better, working with customers to create and design services that help them get things done easily and quickly.
“We’ll be focused on getting the basics right, including delivering an effective repairs service, and also fostering a people-first culture throughout the organisation.
“Equality, diversity and inclusion will be central to what we do, and we are planning an academy of talent, where colleagues and customers will be able to learn side by side.
“Customers need to be heard, and through meaningful involvement and local engagement, we will make sure that they are.”
He added: “I know we’ll be judged not on our words, but on our actions and on the quality of what we do, which is absolutely right.
“We will learn and improve as we transition to the new operating model, and we are determined to make the most of this huge opportunity to make a positive impact and help people flourish and succeed in their lives.”
In its statement, the newly merged group said that its priorities would be:
On the merger, Lord Kerslake said: “I am delighted to confirm that our two successful organisations have joined together. We have a lot of work to do.
“First and foremost, we will be smoothly integrating our organisations and putting our locality model in place, with a strong focus on improving our services and investing in our homes.
“We’re passionate about creating a sustainable Peabody and are committed to developing new social homes and investing in communities and care and support services.”
Several organisations in the sector have recently completed or are currently looking to undergo mergers. Last Thursday (24 March), fellow G15 associations Optivo and Southern Housing Group announced that they were discussing a merger that could create a new 77,000-home landlord as early as December.