Two small landlords are being removed from the register of social housing providers for “serious and persistent” breaches of the regulator’s standards.
The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) has told St Andrews Community Housing Association (SACHA) and Kinsman Housing they are being deregistered, the agency announced today.
The two organisations were given notice by the RSH six weeks ago that it planned to deregister them.
Explaining its decision, the regulator said both landlords operated social homes under arrangements entered into after registration which gave “material controls and all beneficial interest to a third party”.
As a result, the regulator said it has had “ongoing and serious concerns about each provider’s financial viability and weak governance arrangements”.
The RSH concluded that neither landlord had “adequate control” over their social housing assets, putting them at “undue risk, which means they are unable to sustain their financial viability on an ongoing basis as required”.
Hertfordshire-based SACHA owns and manages four social housing homes, including one shared ownership property.
Kinsman, which is based in London, owns and manages 31 social housing properties, including eight shared ownership homes.
The regulator’s intervention involving the landlords started in late 2018, when both were found non-compliant for governance.
In March 2019, it also found Kinsman had breached the Home Standard over safety failings. The regulator served both with enforcement notices in February this year.
Jonathan Walters, the RSH’s deputy chief executive, said: “Maintaining the register is crucial for us to deliver our fundamental objectives, and all registered providers must meet the registration criteria.
“St Andrews and Kinsman have failed to do this, and they have persistently breached our standards. As a result, we have decided to remove each provider from the register of social housing providers.”
St Andrews and Kinsman have been approached for comment.
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