Watford Community Housing, which manages more than 6,800 homes, is in talks to take on 140-home Hendon Christian Housing Association (HCHA).
Announcing the proposal, the smaller organisation said that the partnership would help it to mitigate against the “increasing regulatory and financial pressures” landlords face.
Watford Community Housing operates across south-west Hertfordshire and north-west London while HCHA is based in the London Borough of Barnet.
HCHA said it had informed tenants of the proposal to transfer its stock to the larger landlord to “ensure the ongoing provision of good-quality homes and services for residents”.
As a community gateway association, Watford Community Housing offers tenants the opportunity to become members and help shape the future of the group. If the transfer goes ahead, all tenants of HCHA will be eligible to become members.
The smaller provider is now running a consultation with tenants, which will last until 16 September 2024.
Mary Gibbons, chair of of HCHA, said that Watford Community Housing has the resources to deliver more for the smaller landlord’s residents in light of the “increasing regulatory and financial pressures” on housing associations.
She said that Watford Community Housing was selected as the preferred merger partner because HCHA believes it “can offer the services and improvements that our residents have told us they would like to see”.
“For 60 years HCHA has been dedicated to tackling homelessness and delivering much-needed affordable homes in north-west London. Our top priority is ensuring that residents have well-maintained homes and good-quality services and support,” Ms Gibbons said.
“In light of increasing regulatory and financial pressures on housing associations, we believe that the best way to achieve this is by transferring our homes to a larger landlord with the resources to deliver more for our residents.”
Watford Community Housing was among the first landlords to be awarded a top C1 grade under the new consumer regulation regime. At the time in July, it also retained its G1 and V1 ratings.
In February, the housing association merged with Hemel Hempstead-based West Herts Homes, taking on the smaller provider’s portfolio of 28 homes.
Commenting on the proposed merger with HCHA, Tina Barnard, chief executive of Watford Community Housing, said: “We’re pleased to have been chosen as the preferred partner for this transfer and would welcome the opportunity to help ensure that HCHA residents have access to excellent services.
“We’re proud to have a strong track record of delivering for our customers and communities, and together we would be able to invest more in residents’ homes and provide the services and support they need.”
Consultancy Campbell Tickell helped the HCHA board find a suitable partner for the transfer.
The housing association was set up in the 1960s and has 140 properties for social rent in Colindale, Hendon and Mill Hill.
This includes 31 homes acquired in 2012 through a merger with Star Housing, which provided accommodation for partially sighted residents in Barnet and Acton.
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