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Rayner ditches levelling up ‘slogan’ and vows to ‘rebuild’ local government

Angela Rayner has promised there will be “no more gimmicks” after announcing that her department will return to its previous name of the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG).

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Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner: “No more gimmicks”

Angela Rayner has promised there will be “no more gimmicks” after announcing that her department will return to its previous name of the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government #UKhousing

Speaking to staff this morning, Ms Rayner said the department should “do what it says on the tin” and go “back to basics”. 


In her speech, she also vowed to tackle the housing crisis and “rebuild” local government. 


The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities had existed since September 2021 after MHCLG was renamed by then-prime minister Boris Johnson.


The change reflected one of the Johnson administration’s flagship policies aimed at tackling the economic imbalance between different regions. 

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Ms Rayner, who is also deputy prime minister, said today that while the levelling up “slogan” is being dropped, the new Labour government recognised that the country is still “too unequal” and will tackle the problem.


But she added: “We are clear that is the mission not just of this department, but of our whole government.” 


The announcement comes a day after chancellor Rachel Reeves confirmed plans to reform the planning system, including reintroducing mandatory housing targets for local authorities


Ms Rayner also reiterated Labour’s promises on housing today. 


“We will deliver change for young couples priced out of owning their own home, for leaseholders left at the mercy of eye-watering charges, and for those trapped in buildings still wrapped in dangerous cladding,” she said.

The housing secretary also confirmed plans to abolish so-called no-fault evictions in the private sector and help renters living in damp homes.


Labour has vowed to extend Awaab’s Law to the private rented sector. Ms Rayner also committed to tackle homelessness. 


Local authorities are also being promised help, with many facing a dire financial situation and several declaring themselves effectively bankrupt in the past few years. 


“We will rebuild local government, with integrated, long-term funding settlements to local leaders, giving them greater certainty and the ability to plan for the long term,” Ms Rayner said. 


“Local government will once again be a service that people can rely on.”

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