The English regulator has added G15 landlord A2Dominion and smaller South East-based provider Rosewood Housing to its gradings under review list.
The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) said it is investigating a matter that may impact on A2Dominion’s compliance with the Governance and Viability Standard, and is separately investigating “matters” which may impact on Rosewood Housing’s compliance with the same standard.
The two social landlords are currently the only providers on the RSH’s gradings under review list.
G15 landlord A2Dominion manages around 39,000 homes across London and the South of England. The provider’s current gradings are G1/V2.
The regulator notifies that a provider’s grading is under review when its compliant grade (G1 and G2 for governance, V1 or V2 for viability) is being investigated in relation to an issue which may result in a downgrade to a non-compliant grade (G3 or G4 for governance, V3 or V4 for viability).
Ian Wardle, chief executive of A2Dominion, said: “We’ve already been working closely with the regulator and will continue to do so following their decision to review our grading. This includes some matters that we have brought to their attention.
“We know we have some areas to improve upon and this will continue to be our focus.”
Meanwhile, Rosewood Housing, which operates across the South East, had fewer than 1,000 social homes at the time of its last statistical data return and therefore does not have a current published regulatory grade.
Its properties are managed by Thrive Homes, which owns and manage more than 5,000 homes throughout Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire.
A spokesperson for Rosewood Housing said: “We are working with the regulator in its investigation.”
In September, after investigating the 5,000-home London housing association, the regulator downgraded Octavia Housing from G1 to G3 and from V2 to V3 over poor-quality financial data and weaker than budgeted financial performance.
Elsewhere, last month the RSH deregistered two small landlords, St Andrews Community Housing Association and Kinsman Housing, after finding “serious and persistent” breaches of its standards.
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