Large landlord Sovereign Network Group (SNG) has raised the amount of an existing short-term trade loan it had with Barclays to £50m to help its development ambitions.
The deal has come about after an original trade loan facility of £12m was arranged by Network Homes with the bank’s corporate division in 2022. At the time, it was believed to be the first product of its type for the sector.
SNG, which was formed through the merger of Network Homes and Sovereign last year, has now increased the amount as it looks to build 25,000 homes over the next 10 years.
“With the benefit and experience of it having been a success over the last two years, both sides felt comfortable to raise the value to £50m,” an SNG spokesperson told Social Housing.
Barclays said that the £50m is now its largest unsecured short-term trade loan facility for a housing association. The previous biggest loan of this type was £25m, but a spokesperson declined to name the client.
Under the terms of the loan, SNG has a maximum 90-day drawdown period and the facility will be reviewed annually.
At the time the loan was first taken out, Network Homes said: “The distinguishing feature of this trade loan facility is that instead of, for example, drawing down on the cheapest revolving credit facility with a minimum one or three-month interest period, we could use this trade loan for as little as 14 days instead to optimise our financing costs whilst maintaining compliance with our cash-holding policy.”
Speaking to Social Housing at the time, Anup Dholakia, director of corporate finance at Network Homes, said the facility would work for landlords that had “lumpy” cash flows as a result of large incoming and outgoing funds.
On the latest deal, Mr Dholakia, who is now SNG’s director of treasury, said that delivering new homes is a “huge challenge”.
But he added: “Through innovative funding approaches with the private sector, like this loan, alongside new commitment from government, there is the opportunity for real progress to give people and our economy the best foundations to grow.”
Earlier this year, SNG secured £400m in its first public bond since it was formed to create an 82,000-home group.
Jason Constable, head of real estate at Barclays UK Corporate Bank, said: “This bespoke short-term trade loan facility is another example of our renewed focus on supporting and lending to more businesses across the UK.”
Barclays recently appointed a new head of social housing: Mike Figg, a former long-serving HSBC executive, took up the role this month.
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