A small Yorkshire-based landlord that specialises in offering supported living accommodation to vulnerable adults is being investigated by the regulator over issues that could affect its compliance with the agency’s standards.
Sheffield-based Highstone Housing Association has been placed on the Regulator of Social Housing’s (RSH) gradings under review list, it was announced yesterday.
“The regulator is currently investigating a matter which may impact on the provider’s compliance with the governance and financial viability standard,” the RSH said.
Highstone, which became a registered provider in 2013, offers housing management and support services for people with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and those who require extra care housing, according to its website.
It currently has fewer than 1,000 properties, so does not have regulatory grades.
In a statement, Highstone said it was “disappointing” that it had been added to the list.
But it said: “We are confident we will be able to resolve the issues raised by the regulator and we are committed to working closely with the regulator to reach a satisfactory outcome.”
The landlord joins for-profit provider Heylo, RCVDA Community Housing and Christian Action (Enfield) Housing Association on the gradings under review list.