A2Dominion, which is currently non-compliant with the regulator’s governance standards, has bolstered its board by appointing the chief executives of two fellow landlords.
The 38,000-home group has recruited Paul Fiddaman, chief executive of Newcastle-based Karbon Homes, and Emma Palmer, who leads Eastlight Community Homes, to join its group board.
The move comes four months after A2Dominion was handed a non-compliant G3 grade by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH).
An investigation by the RSH found that the G15 landlord had “not adequately managed its financial position in a timely manner nor with the rigour expected”, while insufficient risk management had led to “poor outcomes for its tenants”.
Mr Fiddaman, who has been in charge at 32,000-home Karbon Homes since it was formed in 2017, has joined A2Dominion’s finance committee.
He said he looked forward to delivering “positive outcomes” for A2Dominion’s residents.
Mr Fiddaman also sits on the board of non-compliant lease-based provider Auckland Homes Solutions CIC, after being appointed in April last year.
Ms Palmer, who has been chief executive at Essex-based Eastlight since it was formed through a merger in 2020, has become the new chair of A2Dominion’s customer service committee.
She said: “Focusing on enhancing services for our residents and ensuring their voice is heard in the boardroom is my priority.”
A spokesperson for the RSH confirmed to Social Housing that it had not been involved in the appointments.
“Providers are responsible for making appointments to their board,” the RSH spokesperson said. “We continue to engage with A2Dominion as it works to address the issues we identified in our regulatory judgement.”
Last month A2Dominion announced that it had appointed a director of building safety and an asset director, which were both newly created roles.
In November last year, the landlord carried out a major executive shake-up, which came two months after it revealed that it had fallen to a £12.8m annual deficit.
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