Vistry has struck a deal with a major housing association and a Blackstone-backed landlord to help deliver a 370-home scheme.
The FTSE 250 house builder is bringing forward the mixed-tenure project at a 32-hectare site in Kidlington, near Oxford.
Buckinghamshire-based Paradigm Housing has agreed to acquire 139 homes as part of a pre-sale, Vistry said. These homes will be offered as shared ownership and affordable rent.
Leaf Living, a PRS landlord backed by private equity firm Blackstone and property investment company Regis, has acquired 56 of the homes to be offered for private rent.
It comes as part of a wider £580m deal by Leaf to acquire around 1,750 homes from Vistry, which was announced last June.
As part of the Kidlington scheme, Vistry will also sell 46 homes as First Homes – the government’s discounted market tenure.
The remaining 129 open market homes will be sold through Vistry’s housebuilding brand Bovis Homes.
The site currently has outline planning permission and Vistry said it is looking to submit a reserved matters application.
Around £8m will be allocated to improving local education, transport and sports facilities, Vistry said.
Supriya Ray, regional managing director at Vistry Cotswolds, said: “We’re delighted to be working in partnership with Paradigm and Leaf Living in Kidlington.
“The site will deliver a significant number of high-quality, mixed-tenure homes, giving local people a real chance to own or rent a new home, while we will also be providing a range of other community services and facilities.”
News of the deal comes amid a difficult time for Vistry. The firm issued three profit warnings in the space of three months at the end of 2024 as its found build costs had been understated in its South division.
Delays to year-end transactions and completions were also blamed for the expected hit to its bottom line.
Vistry’s share price has more than halved since the first profit warning in October.
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