Watford Community Housing, which manages more than 6,800 homes across south-west Hertfordshire, is set to merge with small Hemel Hempstead-based West Herts Homes at the end of February.
West Herts Homes has announced its intention to transfer its portfolio of 28 properties to Watford Community Housing, following a consultation with its residents.
As well as the homes it owns, West Herts Homes currently manages seven properties for three local authorities and one private landlord, and the management of these homes will also be transferred to Watford Community Housing.
The decision on the transfer of all of the properties was agreed at the two housing associations’ respective board meetings this month. They will formally merge on 29 February 2024.
Watford Community Housing, which was formed in 2007, owns and manages more than 6,800 homes and associated assets across south-west Hertfordshire.
It is a housing association that operates as a community gateway association, meaning that it offers tenants the opportunity to become members of the group and to help shape its future.
The provider is graded G1/V1 by the Regulator of Social Housing and according to its financial results, it grew its pre-tax surplus from £4.1m in 2021-22 to £6.2m in the year ending 31 March 2023.
West Herts Homes is a small housing association based in Hemel Hempstead that has been delivering housing and support services to its residents since 1975. It does not have any regulatory grades because it owns fewer than 1,000 homes.
Tina Barnard, chief executive of Watford Community Housing, said: “We are delighted that West Herts Homes has chosen us for this transfer.
“We already have a strong presence in the communities served by West Herts Homes and we welcome the opportunity to help ensure that its residents continue to have good-quality homes and access to excellent services.
“We have a strong track record of delivering for our customers and communities, and together we can invest more in residents’ homes and provide the services and support they expect.”
Paul Eastwood, chief executive of West Herts Homes, said: “For nearly 50 years West Herts Homes has had an excellent record of delivering personalised services to a client group of mostly vulnerable people.
“Having reviewed our position going forward, and mindful of the changes and future challenges within the housing sector, our board has decided that the best outcome for our residents and our staff team lies in merging with a larger landlord.
“After a detailed selection process, we chose Watford Community Housing as our preferred partner, and I am confident that the merger will be beneficial to both organisations and all those that we provide services to.”
Earlier in February, Stonewater and Mount Green Housing Association completed their merger, and Karbon Homes announced it is in talks to take on small Newcastle-based provider Leazes Homes.
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