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Market digest: housing association bond yields – August 2024

How did financial market movements and political swings affect housing association bonds in the secondary market in August 2024?

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Market digest: housing association bond yields – August 2024 #UKhousing #SocialHousingFinance

How did financial market movements and political swings affect housing association bonds in the secondary market in August 2024? #UKhousing #SocialHousingFinance

Market summary

Base rate1 May11 June2 July30 July
FTSE 1008,163.98,241.58,133.48,245.46

 Note: * = current range 0.00-0.25

Sonia rates

 30 April10 June1 July29 July
One month5.
Three month5.
Six month5.

 Source: Aquila Treasury & Finance Solutions

Gilt yields


1 May

11 June2 July30 July

Two year


Three year


Four year


Five year

Seven year

10 year


15 year


20 year


25 year


30 year


40 year


50 year


 Source: Aquila Treasury & Finance Solutions


Swap rates

 1 May11 June2 July30 July

Two year


Three year


Four year


Five year

Seven year

10 year

15 year

20 year

25 year

30 year

40 year


50 year


 Source: Aquila Treasury & Finance Solutions


Retail bonds


Credit rating

Issue date

Nominal £m

Price (p) at 30/07/2024

Change on month (p)

Yield (%) at 30/07/2024

Change on month (basis points)

A2Dominion 4.50%, 2026A (Fitch)09/14£15096.38-0.384.97+5

 Source: London Stock Exchange

UK Treasury reference gilts for housing association bond issues

Reference gilts: letters in brackets refer to bonds; see table below

Yield (%) at 30/07/2024

Change on month (basis points)

(a) priced over: Treasury 1.25%, 20414.41-18
(b) priced over: Treasury 1.25%, 20514.53-16
(c) priced over: Treasury 4.50%, 20344.07-21
(f) priced over: Treasury 2.00%, 20254.47-23
(g) priced over: Treasury 5.00%, 20254.70-23
(h) priced over: Treasury 6.00%, 20283.83-26
(i) priced over: Treasury 4.75%, 20303.87-21
(j) priced over: Treasury 4.25%, 20323.89-22
(k) priced over: Treasury 4.25%, 20364.15-20
(l) priced over: Treasury 3.25%, 20444.51-18
(m) priced over: Treasury 4.75%, 20384.29-20
(n) priced over: Treasury 4.50%, 20424.47-18
(o) priced over: Treasury 1.75%, 20574.48-15
(p) priced over: Treasury 3.50%, 20454.53-18
(r) priced over: Treasury 4.25%, 20464.56-17
(s) priced over: Treasury 4.25%, 20494.57-16
(t) priced over: Treasury 3.75%, 20524.57-15
(u) priced over: Treasury 4.25%, 20554.57-15
(v) priced over: Treasury 1.50%, 20264.04-29
(w) priced over: Treasury 1.50%, 20474.55-17
(x) priced over: Treasury 1.63%, 20544.53-16
(y) priced over: Treasury 0.625%, 20504.48-17
(z) priced over: Treasury 1.25%, 20273.91-26

 Source: UK Debt Management Office. Note: n/s not previously tracked by Social Housing

Housing association public issues, ranked by maturity date

Securities above £100m (final brackets indicate reference gilt: see table above)Rating: Moody’s / S&P / FitchDate of last issueNominal amount (£m)Yield at last issue (%)Margin at last issue (basis points)Yield at 30/07/2024 (%)Change on month (basis points)Margin at 30/07/2024 (basis points)Change on month (+ or -)
London & Quadrant 2.625%, 2026 (f)A3/BBB+/A+05/16£3002.691075.58-29111-6
Places for People 2.88%, 2026 (v)A3/A-/A08/16£4002.451795.19-32114-3
PRS Finance 1.75%, 2026 (v)Aa3/–/–11/16£5821.89464.54-2950+0
Folio Residential London 1.246%, 2027 (z)Aa1/–/–10/20£2501.251285.18-25127+0
London & Quadrant 2.63%, 2028 (h)A3/BBB+/A+02/18£2502.741185.06-31123-5
A2Dominion 3.5%, 2028 (h)–/–/A11/16£2503.812305.51-31168-5
London & Quadrant 2.25%, 2029 (h)A3/BBB+/A+07/17£2502.201004.94-31111-5
Clarion Funding 2.63%, 2029 (h)A3/A-/A+01/19£3002.721484.92-29109-3
Notting Hill Genesis 2.88%, 2029 (h)A3/A-/A01/19£2502.971734.93-29111-3
Sanctuary 8.37%, 2031 (h)A2/A/–05/98£906.76905.33-26150+0
Places for People 5.88%, 2031 (i)A3/A-/A05/11£1755.791705.27-25140-4
Notting Hill 3.75%, 2032 (j)A3/A-/A12/12£3503.751085.01-26112-3
London & Quadrant 2.00%, 2032 (j)A3/A-/A+01/22£3002.03875.10-27121-5
Aster Treasury 5.412%, 2032 (j)–/A+/–06/23£2505.411104.83-2594-3
London & Quadrant 4.62%, 2033 (j)A3/BBB+/A+03/12£2504.621575.05-26116-4
Quadrant HF 7.90%, 2018/33 (h)A3/A-/A+02/98£1306.92865.33+2150+28
Harbour Funding 5.28%, 2034 (j)A3/A-/–08/03£2065.28585.22-27134-4
Peabody Capital No 2 2.75%, 2034 (c)A3/A-/–02/22£3502.851255.22-27116-6
THFC (Funding No.1) 5.12%, 2035 (k)–/A/–07/08£2235.961355.53-23102-5
Clarion 1.875%, 2035 (c)A3/A-/A+01/20£3501.88985.16-25110-4
Optivo 2.857%, 2035 (c)A3/–/–03/20£2502.862305.35-26128-4
Aster 1.405%, 2036 (k)–/A+/–01/21£2501.40805.25-2174-4
Notting Hill 2.00%, 2036 (k)A3/A-/A06/21£2502.081005.67-22116-4
Paragon 2.00%, 2036 (k)A3/BBB+/–05/21£3002.03875.78-20127-2
Metropolitan Housing Trust 1.875%, 2036 (k)–/A-/–07/21£2502.001155.64-21112-3
Stonewater 1.625%, 2036 (k)A3/A/–09/21£2501.75855.452293-4
Southern 2.375%, 2036 (k)A3/–/–10/21£3002.501305.80-21128-3
Home 8.75%, 2037 (k)–/A-/–07/93£1008.75110n/sn/sn/sn/s
Haven (37) 8.12%, 2037 (i)Baa1/BBB+/–08/00£1456.782005.51-22165-1
Affinity Sutton 5.98%, 2038 (m)A3/A-/–09/08£2505.981555.35-27106-7
Circle Anglia 7.25%, 2038 (m)A3/A-/–11/10£3855.381105.38-25109-5
Longhurst 5.13%, 2038 (m)A3/–/–07/12£2505.242425.40-23110-3
RSL Finance (No.1) 6.62%, 2038 (m)A2/–/–06/03£3435.37955.49-30120-10
GB Social Housing 5.19%, 2038 (m)–/A-/–05/14£3244.82150n/sn/s127n/s
MORhomes 3.4%, 2038 (m)–/A-/–03/21£4532.781305.49-24120-4
London & Quadrant 2.00%, 2038 (m)A3/A-/A+10/20£2502.071405.40-23111-3
Southern 4.50-5.36%, 2039 (m)A3/–/–03/14£1754.50120n/sn/sn/sn/s
Genfinance II 6.06%, 2039 (m)A3/A-/A12/09£2506.061705.36-24106-4
London & Quadrant 5.50%, 2039 (m)A3/BBB+/A+01/10£3005.551155.29-24100-4
Sanctuary 6.69%, 2039 (m)A2/A/–09/10£3204.851005.12-2382-2
Sovereign 5.70%, 2039 (m)A3/A/–08/09£1755.701555.20-2391-3
THFC (Funding No.2) 6.35%, 2039 (m)–/A/–04/11£3715.391055.29-2299-2
Hyde 5.12%, 2040 (m)–/A-/A+07/10£2505.121055.08-2379-3
Moat 5.10%, 2041 (m)A2/–/–09/11£3005.101475.23-2394-3
Platform 1.926%, 2041 (a)–/A+/A+09/21£2501.93875.12-2071-2
Midland Heart 5.08%, 2042 (n)A1/–/–10/12£1505.08196n/sn/sn/sn/s
Affinity Sutton 4.25%, 2042 (n)A3/A-/–09/12£2504.311255.50-24103-5
East Thames 5.48%, 2042 (n)A3/BBB+/A+06/12£2505.472505.43-2196-2
Notting Hill 5.25%, 2042 (n)A3/A-/A07/11£3005.281205.55-21108-3
SHG Finance 6.38%, 2042 (j)–/A-/–06/01£2406.381385.23-25134-2
Sovereign 4.76%, 2042 (n)A3/A/–05/12£2504.771705.28-2281-3
Together 4.5%, 2042 (m)A3/–/–12/12£3504.501455.37-24107-4
Great Places 4.75%, 2042 (n)A3/–/A+11/12£3454.811705.45-1998-1
Hastoe 5.60%, 2042 (n)A3/–/–11/14£2004.271445.66-21119-3
Saxon Weald 5.37%, 2042 (k)A3/–/–05/12£2255.492485.82-21131-3
WM Housing Group 4.62%, 2042 (n)A3/–/–01/20£2602.601555.48-22101-4
Affordable Housing Finance 3.80%, 2042 (n)–/AA/–05/14£6013.71374.84-1737+1
Aster 4.59%, 2043 (n)–/A/–12/13£4504.591055.25-2177-3
Longhurst 3.25%, 2043 (n)A3/–/–05/18£3503.351485.52-22105-4
THFC (Funding No.3) 5.17%, 2043 (n)–/A/–10/13£1,0554.501055.33-2286-4
Optivo 5.25%, 2043 (n)A3/–/–09/13£3004.682155.58-21111-3
CHP 4.75%, 2043 (n)–/A-/–03/21£2502.58133.55.57-21110-3
Affordable Housing Finance 2.89%, 2043 (n)–/AA/–08/15£1,1432.82404.81-2234-4
Peabody (Capital No.2) 5.25%, 2043 (n)A3/A-/–11/13£2004.631055.38-2291-4
Home Group 3.13%, 2043 (n)–/A-/–03/19£3503.251705.51-24104-6
LiveWest 2.25%, 2043 (n)A2/–/–10/19£2502.351405.20-1973-1
Circle Anglia 5.20%, 2044 (n)A3/A-/–02/12£2505.221985.57-25109-7
Guinness 4.00%, 2044 (n)A3/A-/–10/14£2504.021305.33-2286-4
Riverside 3.87%, 2044 (n)Baa1/–/A11/14£2503.871355.69-26122-7
Wheatley 4.37%, 2044 (n)–/A+/–11/14£3004.371605.32-2085-2
BPHA 4.81%, 2044 (n)–/A+/–03/14£3504.811355.36-1989-1
East Midlands 4.50%, 2044 (n)–/A/–01/14£2004.591085.34-2187-3
Grand Union 4.62%, 2044 (n)A3/–/–11/13£1504.661145.80-26133-8
Yorkshire 4.12%, 2044 (n)A3/–/–10/14£2004.231355.53-20106-2
Futures Treasury 3.375%, 2044 (l)–/A+/–04/22£2702.31255.34-2083-2
Orbit 3.5%, 2045 (p)A3/–/–03/15£2503.611155.43-2290-4
WHG 4.25%, 2045 (n)A2/–/–10/14£2504.281255.40-1993-1
Cambridgeshire Housing Capital 4.25%, 2045 (p)–/A+/–09/14£1504.391205.27-2474-6
Housing & Care 21 3.29%, 2047 (w)–/A-/–11/17£5003.161385.55-18101-1
Paragon 3.62%, 2047 (p)A3/BBB+/–01/15£2503.621405.76-19123-1
Sanctuary 5.08%, 2047 (r)A2/A/–11/13£4504.20785.43-1887-1
Catalyst 3.13%, 2047 (w)–/A-/–10/17£4003.211305.50-2096-3
Karbon Homes 3.37%, 2047 (w)–/A/–11/18£2503.501535.34-1979-1
Southern Housing Group 3.50%, 2047 (w)A3/–/–10/18£3003.621585.70-19115-2
GreenSquare 5.25%, 2047 (w)Baa1/–/A11/22£4005.402105.79-19125-2
Bromford 3.13%, 2048 (w)A2/A+/–04/18£3003.251355.32-2077-3
Clarion Funding 3.13%, 2048 (w)A3/A-/A+01/21£5001.77885.45-2191-4
Metropolitan 4.12%, 2048 (r)–/A-/–09/15£2504.121675.83-22127-5
Optivo Finance 3.28%, 2048 (w)A3/–/–03/18£2503.281005.64-21109-4
Swan 3.62%, 2048 (p)–/A/–02/15£2503.681305.55-21101-3
Notting Hill 3.25%, 2048 (w)A3/A-/A10/17£4003.281355.44-1989-2
WM Housing Group 3.25%, 2048 (w)A3/–/–10/17£2803.301375.51-2097-3
RHP 3.25%, 2048 (p)–/A/–09/20£1751.791055.28-2275-4
Orbit 3.4%, 2048 (n)A3/–/–06/18£4503.461605.38-2291-3
Peabody 3.25%, 2048 (w)A3/A-/–09/18£4503.371555.49-1995-1
Wrekin 2.5%, 2048 (w)–/A/–10/19£2502.611485.46-1691+1
Sovereign 2.375%, 2048 (w)A3/A/–09/19£3752.481275.35-2081-3
Hexagon 3.625%, 2048 (w)–/BBB+/–04/22£2503.671675.90-17136+0
London & Quadrant 3.75%, 2049 (s)A3/BBB+/A+10/15£2503.751355.53-1995-3
Blend Funding Plc 3.46%, 2047/49 (w)A2/–/–03/22£5883.561585.43-1888-1
Incommunities 3.3%, 2049 (s)–/A/–03/19£2503.291575.41-1884-1
Accent Capital 2.63%, 2049 (s)–/A/–07/19£3502.731305.39-1781-0
Sanctuary 2.375%, 2050 (s)A2/A/–04/20£3502.381705.37-1780-1
Platform 5.342%, 2050 (y)–/A+/A+04/24£2505.34835.34-1986-2
Beyond Housing 2.125%, 2051 (y)A2/–/–05/21£2502.22905.24-1976-2
Paradigm 2.250%, 2051 (y)–/A+/–05/21£2502.28885.28-1979-2
Anchor Hanover Group 2.00%, 2051 (y)–/A+/–07/21£3502.00935.30-1982-2
Clarion Funding Plc 1.875%, 2051 (b)A3/A-/A+09/21£3001.98935.41-1888-3
Saltaire 1.527%, 2051 (b)Aa3/–/–11/21£3501.53384.90-1536+1
Martlet Homes Ltd 3.00%, 2052 (t)–/A/A+05/17£4003.041405.31-1974-3
PenArian Housing Finance Plc 3.21%, 2052 (w)A3/A/–06/17£2503.261555.54-1799-0
Jigsaw 3.375%, 2052 (t)A2/–/–05/22£3603.501575.38-1881-3
London & Quadrant 3.13%, 2053 (t)A3/BBB+/A+02/18£3353.161355.47-1890-3
Peabody 4.62%, 2053 (t)A3/A-/–12/13£3504.621055.41-1685-0
Onward 2.125%, 2053 (t)A1/–/–03/21£3502.22885.51-1794-1
Notting Hill 4.37%, 2054 (u)A3/A-/A03/14£2504.47985.40-1983-4
Blend Funding Plc 2.922%, 2054/56 (x)A2/–/–03/22£6072.251155.23-2371-8
Guinness 2.00%, 2055 (u)A3/A-/–04/20£4002.021455.34-1777-2
Hyde 1.75%, 2055 (u)–/A-/A+08/20£4001.751305.29-1872-3
Platform 1.625%, 2055 (u)–/A+/A+08/20£3501.6397.65.27-1771-2
LiveWest 1.875%, 2056 (u)A2/–/–02/21£2501.90905.32-1875-2
London & Quadrant 2.75%, 2057 (u)A3/BBB+/A+07/17£2502.701055.53-1896-2
Sovereign 5.5%, 2057 (o)A3/A/–01/24£4005.601085.46-1699-1
Clarion 5.375%, 2057 (o)A3/A-/A+04/24£2505.4698.685.43-1695-2

Notes: n/s = not stated: rarely traded and considered to be currently illiquid. Also includes FRESH Series 1, Funding for Homes, GESB, HACO, HAF and HSL, not listed above. n/a = new bond; Sources: Markit, Royal Bank of Canada Capital Markets, Royal Bank of Scotland; (bracket) UK Treasury reference gilts for bond issues: © 2024 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The Tradeweb FTSE Gilt Closing; Prices information contained herein is proprietary to Tradeweb; may not be copied or re-distributed; is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely; and does not constitute investment advice. Tradeweb is not responsible for any loss or damage that might result from the use of this information

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