A long-serving executive at Clarion, who is currently the group’s chief customer officer, is to step down after around 35 years at the organisation in its various guises.
Michelle Reynolds is due to leave the 125,000-home landlord this summer to “prioritise her family and travel more”, the group said.
Ms Reynolds has worked for the UK’s biggest social landlord and its predecessor organisations since 1989, when she joined the William Sutton Housing Trust.
She said: “I know that I will leave Clarion at a point of strength. There is still much to do to further enhance the customer experience, and my successor now has a strong platform to embark on the next phase of the delivery of our customer strategy.”
Ms Reynolds will leave after a “transitionary handover period with her successor”, Clarion said.
Ms Reynolds became an executive director at Affinity Sutton, which was created via the merger between William Sutton and Affinity, in 2006.
At Affinity Sutton, Ms Reynolds served as director of housing and then group commercial director and remained on the group executive team through its merger with Circle Housing to form Clarion Housing Group in 2016.
At Clarion, she has worked as group director of commercial housing and previously served as chief operating officer. She became chief customer officer in 2021.
Clare Miller, chief executive of Clarion Housing Group, said: “Michelle has been a loyal and trusted colleague and will be missed so much by us all; however, she has made the decision to move into the next phase of her life, prioritise herself and her family and goes with our very best wishes.
“Michelle has been a passionate advocate for our residents and our sector. She will be deeply missed by Clarion, but I want to take this opportunity to celebrate the contribution she has made dedicating over 35 years and navigating us through some of the most challenging operating conditions we have ever faced.
“It is of course only right that she puts her family first and has time to pursue some of her other passions. I wish her all the very best for the future.”
According to its half-year results, Clarion posted a net surplus of £68m in the six months to the end of September, up from £35m in the same period in the previous year.
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