One of the largest housing associations operating in the North East of England has recruited a new finance boss from a neighbouring landlord.
Caroline Wallace has joined 15,000-home Beyond Housing as its chief finance officer.
She is a permanent replacement for Kevin Hanlon, who left in April after nearly five years.
Ms Wallace’s appointment means Beyond is back to having a three-strong executive team.
Ms Wallace previously spent three-and-a-half years as director of finance at Durham-based Bernicia Homes. Prior to that, she worked for around 15 years at Sunderland-based Gentoo in two stints, according to her LinkedIn profile.
On her new role at Beyond, Ms Wallace said: “I look forward to working with the leadership team and board to improve the overall customer experience and the homes we provide.”
Rosemary Du Rose, chief executive of Beyond, added: “We are pleased to welcome Caroline and look forward to her strengthening our financial strategy and supporting Beyond Housing’s long-term goals.”
In its last full year to March 2024, Beyond reported a slightly reduced surplus of £7.3m on an increased turnover of £93.7m.
This month following a stability check, the association retained top regulatory grades of G1/V1 for governance and financial viability. It is yet to be assessed under the English regulator’s consumer standards.
Scarborough-based Beyond operates around 15,000 homes across Teesside and North Yorkshire.
The landlord was formed in 2018, following the merger of Coast & Country Housing and Yorkshire Coast Homes.
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